Saturday, April 28, 2012

Got a new phone.

Wasn't expecting to buy a new phone for some time... but happened to be going to the mall for some other stuff and there was an auction going on.  I got the xperia S... usually around 4700kr for 2000.  Been having to deal with all the attendant crap that goes along with changing abonnement and moving over the sim card and indeed having to change to a micro sim card blah blah blah.

Anyhow, did actually manage to list my daily 2 items (one in each etsy store)...

Beaded bead
Based on (and similar to, but not the same as) the Cluster Beaded bead by Gwen Fisher in the Apr-May 2012 Beadwork magazine.  The funny thing is, I've been playing around with that beaded cube with the truncated 3-bead corner for a while now.  I should've carved out a little more time to work with it.. then I'd feel less like I was 'copying' Gwen and Florence's beads...  ahh well.. great minds and all that. :)


Catseye fibre optic teardrops

Hopefully we can get the phone stuff sorted out before I have to lose my mind studying for my history finals on wednesday... then I have 2 MORE the next week... Norwegian (blargh) and natural sciences stuff...  Not really sweating it.. perhaps I should be more worried.

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